The curious incident of groaning in the night-timeS-MedJan 27, 20231 min readCatathrenia can now be classified as a sleep-related breathing disorder (type 1) as well as a parasomnia (type 2). This case confirms the importance of PSG with video and audio in differentiating catathrenia from other diagnoses such as sleep apnea.4. The curious incident of groaning in the night-time.pdfDownload PDF • 419KB
Catathrenia can now be classified as a sleep-related breathing disorder (type 1) as well as a parasomnia (type 2). This case confirms the importance of PSG with video and audio in differentiating catathrenia from other diagnoses such as sleep apnea.4. The curious incident of groaning in the night-time.pdfDownload PDF • 419KB
Recognition and Treatment of Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Obese Hospitalized Patients May Improve Survival. The HoSMed Database
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