Environmental Impact and Carbon Reduction 2024
S-Med Ltd is committed to minimising the environmental impact of the products and services we provide. The products in question will have their carbon emissions assessed based on the lifecycle of the product, from manufacture to disposal, with a primary focus on energy consumption, transportation emissions, and end-of-life disposal. As part of our commitment to sustainability, we will also address Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions within our operations.
Key areas of environmental impact include:
Manufacturing and materials: We aim to source materials that are low in environmental impact and comply with relevant environmental standards such as ISO 14001.
Transportation and distribution: Emissions from the inbound and outbound transportation of products will be measured, as outlined in our Carbon Neutral Britain report (linked below). We will work closely with logistics providers to reduce emissions associated with product deliveries.
Product lifecycle: Through careful consideration of product design, materials, and disposal options, we aim to reduce the environmental impact during the usage phase of the product.
End-of-life recycling and disposal: The products will be designed with recycling in mind, ensuring that components can be easily separated and repurposed or recycled.
Method Statement
To achieve our environmental objectives, S-Med will adopt a structured and measured approach. We will continuously assess and reduce the carbon footprint associated with the products offered under this contract, including ongoing monitoring of the environmental impact of manufacturing, usage, and disposal. This aligns with the NHS's ambition to reach net zero by 2040 for direct emissions and 2045 for indirect emissions.
Carbon Reduction Plan:
S-Med has implemented a Carbon Reduction Plan, with a baseline of 54.93 tonnes of CO2e emissions for the period 2023/2024.
Our key focus will be on reducing emissions through energy-efficient product design, optimised logistics, and reduced packaging.
Supplier and Partner Collaboration:
We will work with suppliers and logistics providers to ensure they adhere to the same environmental standards, including the use of electric vehicles for deliveries where possible and prioritising suppliers who demonstrate a commitment to sustainable practices​.
Monitoring and Reporting:
We will utilise tools such as Scope 1, 2, and 3 carbon measurement methodologies, in line with GHG Protocol standards, to track the emissions associated with the products. Metrics will include energy consumption (in kWh), waste management (in tonnes), and transportation emissions (in CO2e)​.
Training and Awareness:
S-Med will ensure all employees are trained on the environmental goals and procedures, including reducing energy consumption and waste across all departments​. We will also communicate our expectations clearly to all supply chain partners to ensure our approach is filtered down through all areas of our business.
This approach with associated data driven targets and goals meets the requirements of PPN 06/21.
Project/Action Plan and Process
S-Med will implement a phased approach to reducing the environmental impact of the products throughout the contract lifecycle, with regular review points to ensure progress is made.
Establish baseline environmental impact for each product and begin data collection on energy consumption, waste, and transportation emissions​.
Collaborate with suppliers to confirm their adherence to environmental standards and to implement sustainable practices across the supply chain​.
Implement training programmes for employees to improve energy efficiency and waste reduction.
Introduce a new logistics plan to reduce the carbon impact of product deliveries, including the use of electric vehicles for inbound deliveries​.
Initiate the first round of carbon reporting, based on the data collected from product usage and logistics. This will include the use of Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions data for tracking purposes.
Introduce improvements to the recycling and disposal processes for the products.
Continue to monitor environmental impact and adjust practices as necessary based on feedback from the NHS and product users.
Regularly update the Carbon Reduction Plan and report on progress in meeting the NHS’s net-zero targets.
Metrics and Tools for Measuring and Reporting Impact
The following metrics will be used to measure the environmental impact of our products:
CO2e Emissions: Tracking emissions associated with product manufacturing, transportation, and disposal.
Energy Consumption: Measuring energy used during manufacturing and the usage phase of the product, with a focus on reducing this year-on-year.
Waste Reduction: Monitoring the amount of waste produced throughout the lifecycle of the product, aiming to reduce packaging and increase recycling.
Product Longevity: Measuring the durability and lifecycle of the product, with a focus on extending product life to reduce waste.
Data will be gathered through supplier reports, internal audits, and third-party certifications. We will also use software tools to track energy usage and emissions data across our operations and supply chain​ as outlined in our Carbon Neutral Britain report.
Feedback and Improvement
S-Med is committed to a cycle of continuous improvement. We will gather feedback from product users, and our logistics partners to refine and enhance our environmental strategy. Quarterly reviews will be held to assess our performance against set targets, and adjustments will be made to the action plan as needed.
We will provide regular updates on our environmental performance, ensuring transparency and accountability throughout the contract.
Annual carbon emissions reports will be produced, outlining progress against the baseline and setting new reduction targets for the following year​.
Improvement Initiatives:
S-Med will implement feedback from stakeholders to identify areas where further improvements can be made, such as enhancing product recyclability or increasing energy efficiency in manufacturing.
By taking a proactive approach, S-Med is confident in our ability to deliver products that align with NHS’s sustainability goals, while also contributing to a greener healthcare system.
Carbon Emissions Report 2024
A carbon emissions report has been produced by Carbon Neutral Britain for S-Med Ltd. The full report is available here. This report will be updated annually in line with best practice
Modern Slavery Statement
S-Med Ltd is fully committed to identifying, mitigating, and managing the risks of modern slavery across our supply chain. We have developed a robust and proactive approach to address the potential risks of modern slavery. This commitment is grounded in our Modern Slavery Policy, which applies to all suppliers and partners.
We acknowledge the complexity and global nature of modern supply chains, especially in the production and delivery of healthcare equipment. In our own supply chain, approximately 98% of our products are sourced from established multinational vendors who are directly supplying the NHS, and for the remaining minority of products that we source directly, we have robust processes in place to manage the risk of modern slavery in the supply chain.
Method Statement
To combat modern slavery risks, S-Med has a multi-faceted approach consisting of risk identification, preventive measures, continuous monitoring, and improvement of our modern slavery prevention strategies. Our approach is as follows:
1. Risk Identification and Assessment
We conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify areas in our supply chain most vulnerable to modern slavery, focusing particularly on raw material sourcing and production locations.
We classify suppliers based on their geographical location, industry, and previous compliance records to determine the level of risk associated with their operations.
High-risk suppliers then undergo a detailed audit process, including reviewing their labour practices and working conditions, to ensure compliance with our ethical standards.
2. Supplier Engagement and Due Diligence
All suppliers are required to demonstrate compliance with modern slavery legislation. This includes submitting detailed information on their labour practices, recruitment processes, and worker conditions.
We ensure that all contracts with suppliers include clauses that strictly prohibit modern slavery and require adherence to local and international labour laws. Suppliers must provide evidence of compliance with these requirements through regular audits and reporting mechanisms.
3. Training and Capacity Building
S-Med provide training for all employees, suppliers, and partners on recognising and addressing modern slavery risks within the supply chain. This training covers the key indicators of modern slavery, reporting mechanisms, and the steps to take if any concerns arise.
4. Monitoring and Auditing
S-Med have regular monitoring procedures to track the compliance of suppliers with modern slavery regulations. This includes routine audits, site visits, and reviews of supplier documentation to ensure that all standards are met.
We will utilise third-party auditors where necessary to provide independent verification of supplier compliance with our anti-slavery requirements.
5. Whistleblowing and Reporting
We maintain a robust whistleblowing policy that enables both employees and suppliers to report any concerns related to modern slavery. All reports will be investigated promptly, and we will take immediate action where required to address any issues.
For example, when using the small number of suppliers that are not already NHS Supply Chain Partners we apply the above process at the onboarding stage and add it as a regular feature of our contract management monitoring.
Timed Action Plan
S-Med will implement the following phased approach to identify, mitigate, and manage modern slavery risks:
Conduct an initial risk assessment of the supply chain to identify high-risk suppliers.
Communicate modern slavery policies to all suppliers and partners, requiring them to submit relevant documentation to confirm compliance.
Begin supplier audits, prioritising high-risk areas.
Provide training sessions for employees and suppliers on modern slavery risks and reporting mechanisms.
Implement a whistleblowing system to report concerns related to exploitation or forced labour in the supply chain.
Begin regular monitoring and audits of high-risk suppliers.
Review supplier performance based on audits and monitoring reports. If non-compliance is identified, work with the supplier to address the issues or, if necessary, terminate the relationship.
Ensure ongoing compliance by providing support and guidance to suppliers on improving their labour practices.
Conduct annual reviews of all suppliers, assessing their performance in mitigating modern slavery risks.
Use the findings from audits and supplier assessments to adjust and improve the action plan, ensuring that modern slavery risks are continuously reduced.
Metrics and Tools for Measuring Impact
The effectiveness of S-Med’s approach to mitigating modern slavery risks will be measured through a set of clear metrics and tools, which will be regularly reviewed and updated:
Supplier Compliance Rates: The number of suppliers that are fully compliant with modern slavery regulations will be tracked and reported on a regular basis. Non-compliant suppliers will be subject to corrective action or removal from the supply chain.
Audit Outcomes: We will use the results of supplier audits to assess compliance and identify any risks. These audits will be conducted periodically, with particular focus on high-risk areas.
Whistleblowing Reports: The number and nature of reports received through our whistleblowing system will be reviewed to identify any potential issues and to ensure timely responses to concerns.
Reporting, Feedback, and Improvement
To ensure continuous improvement in our approach to modern slavery risks, S-Med will implement a structured reporting and feedback mechanism:
Regular Reporting: Suppliers will be required to provide regular reports on their labour practices and compliance with modern slavery regulations. This will be reviewed by our compliance team and used to assess ongoing risks.
Feedback Loop: We will engage with suppliers, employees, and external stakeholders to gather feedback on our modern slavery mitigation strategies and use this feedback to make necessary adjustments to our action plan.
By maintaining high ethical standards and a comprehensive risk management strategy, S-Med will ensure that modern slavery risks are minimised and that we continue to support fair and ethical labour practices across our supply chain.
Modern Slavery Policy
1. Purpose and Scope
This policy outlines our commitment to preventing modern slavery in all forms within our operations and supply chain.
It applies to all employees, contractors, and suppliers.
2. Definitions
Modern Slavery: Includes forced labour, human trafficking, debt bondage, and child labour.
Child Labor: Any work that deprives children of their childhood, potential, and dignity.
3. Commitment
We are committed to upholding human rights and ensuring that our operations and supply chains are free from modern slavery.
We will take appropriate steps to prevent and mitigate risks related to modern slavery.
Supplier Code of Conduct
1. Compliance with Laws
Suppliers must comply with all applicable local and international laws related to labour, human rights, and environmental standards.
2. Prohibition of Modern Slavery
Suppliers must not engage in any form of modern slavery or human trafficking.
Employment must be freely chosen; workers should not be required to surrender identity documents or pay fees for their employment.
3. Fair Treatment
Suppliers must treat all workers with respect and dignity, providing fair wages and working conditions.
Any form of discrimination, harassment, or abuse will not be tolerated.
4. Health and Safety
Suppliers must provide a safe and healthy working environment in compliance with all relevant health and safety laws and regulations.
5. Transparency and Reporting
Suppliers must maintain transparent records of labour practices and allow for audits and inspections by our organization or third parties.
Child Labor Policy
1. Zero Tolerance for Child Labor
We maintain a strict zero-tolerance policy towards child labour in our supply chain.
Suppliers must not employ anyone under the legal minimum age as defined by local laws and international standards.
2. Age Verification
Suppliers are required to implement robust age verification processes to ensure compliance with this policy.
3. Educational Support
We encourage suppliers to support local communities by promoting education and providing opportunities for children, ensuring they are not compelled to enter the workforce prematurely.
4. Reporting and Accountability
Any incidents of child labour must be reported immediately to our organization.
Suppliers must have a remediation process in place for addressing any violations related to child labour.
Implementation and Monitoring
1. Training and Awareness
We will provide training for employees and suppliers to raise awareness of modern slavery and child labour issues.
2. Auditing and Compliance
Regular audits will be conducted to ensure compliance with this policy.
Non-compliance may result in corrective action or termination of contracts.
3. Continuous Improvement
We are committed to continuously reviewing and improving our practices related to modern slavery and child labour.
We are dedicated to creating a supply chain that respects human rights and promotes fair labour practices. This policy reflects our commitment to ethical standards and the well-being of all individuals involved in our operations.