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Writer's pictureS-Med

Night-to-night variability in OSA using peripheral arterial tonometry: a case for multiple night testing

To our knowledge, this is the first study investigating the NNV for peripheral-arterial tonometry (Watch-pat). We found a similar NNV using PAT compared to previous studies using PSG and respiratory polygraphy. This indicates that NNV is a general phenomenon occurring during sleep regardless of the applied recording method. We found that the NNV was not influenced by the scoring method. In our collective, the intraclass correlation coefficient of pAHI was 0.87, which is considered a good agreement and compares well to values found in the literature for PSG and respiratory polygraphy 24% of measurements, the OSA severity was misclassified compared to the average of all nights. This misclassification rate is corroborated by similar findings of other studies.

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