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Writer's pictureS-Med

Effects of solriamfetol in a long-term trial of participants with OSA who are adherent or non adherent to airway therapy

Prior data have shown the robust effects of long-term solriamfetol treatment in improving EDS in the overall OSA population. Results from the current analysis expand on these findings, demonstrating efficacy is similar, regardless of adherence or non adherence to primary OSA therapy. Specifically, the magnitude of the benefit from the stand-point of the ESS, FOSQ-10, and PGI-C/CGI-C was similar in participants with and without adherence to OSA therapy. In addition, long-term use of solriamfetol did not negatively affect adherence to primary OSA therapy for up to 1 year. Among participants for whom electronically retrievable data were available, OSA therapy was used between a median of 6.1 and 6.6 hours per night across the open-label extension, an acceptable duration given the current literature and standards.

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