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  • Writer's pictureS-Med

Cell Death Biomarkers and OSA: Implications in the Acute Coronary Syndrome

The results of our study show that nucleosomes and dsDNA

in serum are increased in patients with OSA in comparison

with participants without OSA. An increase in both cell death

biomarkers was also detected in ACS patients compared with

patients without any cardiovascular event, independently of the

presence of OSA. The present findings suggest that: (1) OSA

may be implicated in the increased levels of the two cell death–

related biomarkers; (2) the extensive cell lysis resulting from

an MI appears to be the major contributor to the high levels

of both biomarkers detected in patients after an ACS; (3) OSA

does not seem to contribute to such elevation when this acute

event occurs.

Figure 1—Workflow diagram depicting timeline and participant recruitment. AHI = apnea-hypopnea index; ACS = acute coronary syndrome;

dsDNA = double-stranded DNA; ISAACC = Impact of Sleep Apnea Syndrome in the Evolution of Acute Coronary Syndrome; OSA = obstructive

sleep apnea syndrome; PG = polygraphy; PSG = polysomnography.

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