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Association of CPAP adherence with complications in patients with type 2 diabetes and OSA

In this retrospective study of patients with T2D and OSA, we aimed to explore if CPAP adherence is associated with better cardiometabolic outcomes, over an average follow-up of 2.5 years. We found that CPAP adherence was associated with significantly lower SBP by 1.95 mm Hg and DBP by 2.33 mm Hg. In addition, a 17% greater CPAP adherence in those who were adherent was associated with a 2 mm Hg lower SBP, suggesting a dose-response relationship. The associations with HDL and TG were borderline, with a trend for higher HDL(+3.34 mg/dL,P= .06) and lower TG (P= .07). However, this study did not reveal a relationship between CPAP adherence and GFR, glycemic control, or incidence of cardiovascular events. The current study demonstrates the beneficial effects of CPAP adherence on blood pressure among patients with T2D and OSA in real-world clinical practice.

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