S-Med CPAP Therapy
£48.50 every month
Subscribe to CPAP - The Gold Standard treatment for OSA
CPAP device
CPAP mask replaced annually
All accessories replaced annually
Ongoing clinical support and therapy management
Regular reports of therapy efficacy
Proactive clinical interventions as required
Clinical support helpline
When checking out we will collect the information we need to process your order. To ensure we provide you with the best mask for your CPAP therapy, we ask you to provide a number of facial measurements to help us make the correct choice. We have marked dimensions a,b,c,d on the images to the right. We need you to make these measurements - in centimetres - and provide them when completing the subscription for CPAP therapy.
PLEASE BE AWARE there is a minimum subscription of 6 months, after which you can cancel your therapy at any time.
PLEASE ALSO BE AWARE that upon cancellation we will collect the CPAP device from you. It is a part of Terms and Conditions that you accept responsibility for the safe return on the device upon termination of therapy, and if we cannot recover the CPAP device you are fully liable for the cost of a replacement device.